Thursday, June 17, 2010

Prince of Persia the Sands of Time

Yesterday we went and saw the Prince of Persia the Sands of Time movie at the cinema. My brother and I had a green slush puppy and no pop corn.

The movie was about a boy called Dustan who was adopted by the king of Persia. 15 years later Dustan and his brothers were attacking a city and he was not allowed to fight. He then went and got into the city by scaling its wall. He then opened the gate and let the Persian army in. They had captured the city. While in the fight, he found a cool knife.

The king then came to the city and congratulated the princes and the warriors. Dustan then got a big robe from his brother to give to their father. The robe was poisoned and it killed the king. Dustan was then blamed for it and he left the city with the help of the princess of that city. He found out that the knife could turn back time and that his uncle wanted the knife so he could take and use it on this big hour glass and turn time back far enough to kill his brother, the king so he could be king.

Later in the Prince of Persia the Sands of Time movie the uncle gets the knife away from Dustan and the princess while they are trying to destroy it and he took it to the hour glass and pressed the button on the back. Dustan got the knife away from him, but it still turned time back and it took him back to when they had just taken over the city.

Dustan then told everyone about how his uncle had just made up an excuse to attack the city just to get the knife. Watch Prince of Persia the Sands of Time movie to see what happens to the uncle, the knife, and Dustan.

After the movie we went grocery shopping at Pick ‘n Pay.

© copyright Basti 2010

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